He left abruptly...
Kindly join us in conveying our deepest condolences to KNFK and his family on the recent bereavement of their beloved father. TQ.
We fancy the thought of having a home or even more a virtual planet of our own out here in cyber space. Many questions have been raised on the purpose of this planet. To that, the answer is that we citizens wish only to share the little knowledge and ideas of ours. Naturally, we would indeed welcome comments and thoughts on matters on our planet. No man is an island, and no planet is a solar system.
Kindly join us in conveying our deepest condolences to KNFK and his family on the recent bereavement of their beloved father. TQ.
Hi, apparently we have a satelite moon for the Planet Deng too. So therefore we celebrate this Lunar New Year more popularly known as the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival.
Just last weekend our founder and contributor KNFK had an accident while riding his motorcycle on the way home in the night. Surrounding that incident, a series of other unfortunate events have made him feel rather down and outta luck (Or 'sui' as the Chinese would put it). You can see a picture of his injuries and read about his predicament at his blog.
Help, help, can someone translate the below legal mumbo jumbo into plain English?