We fancy the thought of having a home or even more a virtual planet of our own out here in cyber space. Many questions have been raised on the purpose of this planet. To that, the answer is that we citizens wish only to share the little knowledge and ideas of ours. Naturally, we would indeed welcome comments and thoughts on matters on our planet. No man is an island, and no planet is a solar system.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Limit Hit!

Well, looks like I have reached where many have reached before me... the dreaded 200 images limit of their free Flickr account.

Should I upgrade to a Flickr Pro account? Care to share if it is worth the upgrade? Or is there a better free photos storage & gallery website out there? Fotopic?

By the way, all your blogger.com blogs are belongs to Google.
And all your Flickr photos are belongs to Yahoo.
Oh yah, all your YouTube videos are belongs to Google too.


Blogger knfk said...

Dey...brudder, use another email account and create another flickr account lar.

February 14, 2007 6:12 PM


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