We fancy the thought of having a home or even more a virtual planet of our own out here in cyber space. Many questions have been raised on the purpose of this planet. To that, the answer is that we citizens wish only to share the little knowledge and ideas of ours. Naturally, we would indeed welcome comments and thoughts on matters on our planet. No man is an island, and no planet is a solar system.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Let's pray for him.

As we go about our daily chores on this Monday morning, there's a 13-month old boy by the name of Divyesh lying on the operation table of Universiti Hospital in KL undergoing major surgery to remove a brain tumor which has grown to half the size of his brain. The surgery started at 10am and is expected to take more than 10 hours.

Outside the operation theatre, his worried parents, maternal and paternal grandparents, and uncle anxiously await him. They all want him to be well again. They all want him back to his active self again.

His mother have asked that we pray for a successful operation and that he comes back to her as himself again.

Let's all pray for him.


Blogger Deng-ded! said...

The operation completed earlier than expected. He's now recovering in PICU where he's under close watch. Will have to wait 2 days to know his condition.

Let's all hope for the best for Divyesh.

November 28, 2006 10:44 AM

Blogger knfk said...

Who's this kid?

November 28, 2006 4:58 PM

Blogger Deng-ded! said...

Friend's son.

Following the major op, he undergone a minor one on Saturday. Parents are still eagerly waiting for him to open his eyes.

Keep praying for him.

December 07, 2006 10:58 AM


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