We fancy the thought of having a home or even more a virtual planet of our own out here in cyber space. Many questions have been raised on the purpose of this planet. To that, the answer is that we citizens wish only to share the little knowledge and ideas of ours. Naturally, we would indeed welcome comments and thoughts on matters on our planet. No man is an island, and no planet is a solar system.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Walk thru a cemetry


I went to a cemetery earlier today to help my mom and aunt look for their late father's resting place. No the picture is not his tombstone, but that of a nearby 'neighbour' who had a rather elaborate and outstanding tombstone erected. (it's another of my pseudo Infra red pictures) Looking at this and recent events have got me thinking.... ( and which is not always a good thing)

In life there can be no meaning without death. As in success there can be no meaning without failure.... as there can be no yin without yang.

So, what is good without evil.... it is a futile fight to banish all evil from the world... jealousy, hurt, failure, dejection, despair, corruption, depression, hopelessness exists and it is foolish and unreasonable to wish it all away with optimistic endevour or rigourous spiritual prayers.

As our Malay Muslim brothers would say, "Insyah Allah" or "God's Will", or as I would like to say, "God works in mysterious ways which we do not yet understand" and hope to find solace and peace in the fact that despite our weak and selfish humans ways, that there is a Greater Authority out there who is looking after us even as we fail and falter and that all our human suffering seeks to benefit us in some unknown way to serve a Greater purpose. And that a rhyme and reason exists despite our mad mad world. And that what we do... do make a difference.

Think about it, believe in such a simple yet profound ideolgy can either set us free from all earthly worry or just drive us deeper into isolascence from a Greater Force (if there is One)

Walking thru a quiet cemetery... its not hard to see that many have gone before us, and many more are not marked by tombstones, yet many more are forgetten by relatives of many later generations. Some so called great men or women's names and stories are echoed down history's hall of fame for many ages to come but a vast vast majority will be forgotten in the sands of times. And it is with no real offense to summize that the majority of Planet Deng's inhabitants and reader fall into the latter class.

Alas what are we to do with this Ultimate Unimaginable Unanswerable Question....? What the f@&$ is this f@$&%$^ life all about????

My ridiculous retort and reply:

1. That the Good Lord will, help me to believe in the first option, "that is a rhyme and reason for everthing under heaven" and that "You work in mysterious ways in which I cannot in my F#%^&*!# mind yet understand and can never will, but can only hope to trust and have faith that there really is a reason!!!! Which is the most F@#%*@^ difficult thing to do esp. when we are at the deepest valley of our most miserable moments.

2. That for the short cosmic time but relatively long life time that we are here; help us to do what we think is right, help us to have as much peace and happiness as we can...

3. That when I leave this earthly domain, that I had in some ways, made a positive difference in the planet's, animals' and peoples' lives... hopefully to draw them closer to answering this Unanswerable Question themselves...

4. That You'll forgive me for writing nonsence blogs while in my semi drunken stupor.... for I am only human.

In short: SHIT HAPPENS. just do the best that you can do... the rest is not in your hands anymore. Whatever happens, may you rest in peace.


Blogger knfk said...

Interesting all new view of the cemetery. Like the place of burial given a new leash of life, and it doesn't look that bad and gloomy anymore.

Shit does happen, but what is life without it's challenges?

March 20, 2006 11:49 AM

Blogger Deng-ded! said...

Wow, I really like your picture of the cemetry and the elaborate but appropriate tombstone! What IR filter are you using for your camera? Does it have IR mode? Can it take IR movies?

Hey, how about taking a picture of one of your small limb that is full of veins? I bet that will be much more scarier than those you took at the cemetry. Hehehe!

March 20, 2006 1:50 PM

Blogger Deng-ded! said...

No one can tell you what your life is about.

One can only share what their life is about, or what other people's lives are about.

Even if someone were to tell you that life is this and that, why should you believe him or her or it?

Do you believe out of respect, out of reverence, out of plain old laziness, out of magic, out of popularity, out of desperate-ness, out of having super-powers, out of utter lost, out of parental influence, out of being extra-terrestial, out of the influence of others, etc...

Why do you believe what you believe? Can you answer this? I still can't.

You have to find your own meaning in life. Being a subscriber to another's meaning will get you to a feeling of lost and failure when you do not live up to their "meaning". It will also make life less realistic, boring and less alive for you. You are not alive when you just subscribe.

Find, create, research, experiment, theorize your own meaning.

And even if you don't, life is precious even without meaning. Life is precious in itself... coz death is just around the corner. Life is fun! Live in the moment and it will help guide you in the future. That much I believe.

"La Vita e Bella!"
Life is Beautiful!

March 20, 2006 2:08 PM

Blogger Yangman said...


March 22, 2006 12:48 AM


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