We fancy the thought of having a home or even more a virtual planet of our own out here in cyber space. Many questions have been raised on the purpose of this planet. To that, the answer is that we citizens wish only to share the little knowledge and ideas of ours. Naturally, we would indeed welcome comments and thoughts on matters on our planet. No man is an island, and no planet is a solar system.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ho, Ho, ...?

Well, the 3rd "Ho" is yours to say! Join in the spirit of Christmas! And if you don't know it, here's how to get some.

1. Just go and help someone in need. Or, thank someone who helped you. You will see it in their faces.

2. Give love to someone close or a total blind stranger. Give love, get loved.
Note: And if you don't know what love is, don't fret, click here. Seek and ye shall find. Be lazy and ye shall not.

3. Love does make the world go round. But so do hate, ill-will, jealousy, anger and greed. Choose love and you'll be surrounded by it.

4. Last but not least, be joyful! Be joy and you'll definitely en joy! There's nothing else like it. Again, choose joy and you'll be surrounded by it.

5. Say "Ho, ho, ho!" and think of yourself sitting on Santa's spacious lap and telling him how good you have been, and what you really want as a reward.

Have a good one! And, happy holidays and new year!



Blogger Bart said...

You have been tagged!

January 22, 2006 1:05 AM


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