We fancy the thought of having a home or even more a virtual planet of our own out here in cyber space. Many questions have been raised on the purpose of this planet. To that, the answer is that we citizens wish only to share the little knowledge and ideas of ours. Naturally, we would indeed welcome comments and thoughts on matters on our planet. No man is an island, and no planet is a solar system.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Never will be a 1st world country.

For mesia, it is beyond any doubt. Infact, we're pratising this move called the "Malaysian Shuffle". It goes like this - take one step forward, and three steps back.
It makes one feel like he's trapped in a falling spiral or being sucked into a tornado, except that this tornado pulls you down to earth and into oblivion.

On the political front, mesia is practially stuck in the racially-motivated coalition, that continues to hold the people back from greatness while cheering on mediocrity.

Think economy and mesia can't help but wonder why it's stuck in economic wilderness when it's blessed with many large reservoirs of high grade petroleum. Despite the rich natural resources the country inherited, the gomen continues to heavily tax the people through heavy import and excise duties for automobile, tolled roads and the reduction of fuel and healthcare subsidies.

Think auto industry, and we have the national pet project of the previous head honcho. One wonders what's going on as the northern neighbour zooms past mesia's over 20 years of auto industry experience. I guess it's quite safe to think TVM and the Mesian shuffle.

The best part of the meat is this - we have a joker grad in Islamic studies heading the Finance Ministry. Hahaha.. what a joke.

Education - what education?

Despite all the negative outlooks, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. A very long, dark and and stinky tunnel that needs a thorough cleaning up and flushout.


Blogger Deng-ded! said...

Never is a long time... even in Neverland, there's hope, there's freedom. Michael is free! So there's still a chance, we need to realise our weaknesses, our mistakes, lessons learnt, be in the know-how instead of know-who, etc.
There's a long way to go... but move forward, we must. The dark sith lords, we have to try or kill.

June 21, 2005 11:15 AM


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